Hello all! So I've been utterly uninspired and unmotivated to post anything on here in what over a month?!?! I know I know awful! BUT the other day while visiting my lovely boyfriends face book page I stumbled upon a little link that I found funny, cute, and very inspiring. Click here to see..... http://www.revbilly.com/work/the-hour-of-power/hour-of-power-update-Christmas-with-the-stop-shopping-gospel-choirIts true why on earth do we think the holidays is a time to spend spend spend?? Standing on god awful lines at the ugh dare I say it "MALL" with ppl who are so grumpy they might be related to Scroodge himself, pushing our way through the crowds and just grabbing anything with as little meaning as possible (which is most likely be returned) . I mean I love to shop but how is this pleasurable? We should be enjoying the time spent with friends and family. Celebrating with food and music and yes a little liqueur never hurt anyone...well yes it has but you get the point. I say this Christmas we celebrate giving by giving a little from inside of us. And I know this is a blog about glamour but cant giving from the heart with a little creativity be glamorous?? Yes it can! And since i am the queen of glamour (on this blog at least) what I say goes...SO here are a few ideas to get your juices flowing and make you just a teeny bit wet with excitement....1. Make a personalized calender - this can be easy to do if your pretty good with a computer. All you need is a cad program (there are TONS that will work, photoshop, illustrator ect) and just personalize it with pictures of the giftee and gifter, or 12 of your favorite quotes one for each month...get creative I'm sure you'll think of something.2. Home made candles - these may seem harder to make than they actually are and there are a ton of tutorials on line about it and the supplies are pretty inexpensive. Plus you can create colors and scents all your own with some oils and crayons. Glamorize it by tieing a pretty ribbon around it.3. Cupcakes - For those of you that are glamorously savvy in the kitchen this can make a great gift! They even sell boxes for single cupcakes that you can decorate to your liking. For an extra glamorous touch give your special flavor a sexy and sweet name that goes with the giftees name like "Riss's Raspberry Rapture" and type it up in a cute font and paste it on the box, if cupcakes aren't your thing how about cookies??4. Home made soaps - So this I really know nothing about but if you do, they would make a GREAT gift! A very glamorous friend of mine Annie made me a soap with oatmeal and lavender once and it was the best! It exfoliated and smelled amazing. Plus the idea of using something that was home made and is all natural on your skin is pretty damn glamorous! you can check out her blog at
www.allnaturalannie.com she has some great all natural posts!5. A book of recipes - So if your a cook or a baker spread the wealth! I know there's someone who is always saying to you "omg this is the best thing i have ever had please give me the recipe" chances are you forget and they never ask again thinking your a greedy little wench who thinks their all mighty recipes cant be spread among the commoners. Well prove em wrong and give them a real glamorous treat this holiday!! Give them 12 recipes one for every month! OH and what a great calender that would make! (see its osmosis)6. Home made cards - these are great, if you keep em personal they are things to be treasured. Write little poems, or inspiring quotes. If you can sketch what better way to express yourself! My friend Nicole is an amazing artist both with the computer and with her hands and she sent me a card recently asking me to be her maid of honor with a little personalized poem and a little drawing of her and all the other glamorous ladies in the wedding! It was so cute!! Since its the holidays of course the whole maid of honor thing wont work point is just be creative and get personal!7. Scrap books - Last valentines day I made a whole scrap book of pictures of my boyfriend and I, I used my fancy photoshop skills and made each picture look like an old beat up Polaroid. I even made them have hand written love notes on the bottoms of the pictures, complete with coffee stain rings, and lipstick kiss marks. It was very cute in the end and its something to show the grandkids....I just hope he hasn't tossed it yet ;)Ok that's about all I have for now! Get creative and have fun! If I can think of any more great personalized creative gifts I will keep you posted (no pun intended...ok yes it was intended :)