Friday, April 30, 2010
3:00 Pick me up!
Its 3:00 again! Need a little treat to get you over the mid day slump?Today's Pick me up : Starbucks Green Tea Soy Latte
I have a strong affinity for green tea and on a beautiful day like today an iced green tea latte is just what I need to get me through the 3:00 slump!Happy sipping!xx M

Is what I had when I saw these puppys on my assistant designer when I got to work today! She seriously looked hott!! I'm obsessed with these strappy sandals that she purchased at Aldo a while back! They need to repeat that style in black and a cognac color asap!!! Props to Melinda for being so damn glamorous!!!
Photo Credit : Shake it app for iphoneSide note - LOVE THE BLUE TOES!!xx M

Dont leave home without it!
A dirty mouth is the most unglamorous thing a girl can have. Stay classy and cool and keep those pearly white looking and smelling glamtastic! This is my one essential item that I carry around everywhere. The Colgate Wisp. 
Photo Credit: Colgatewisp.comIt's a teeny pocket-sized disposable toothbrush with no water necessary. One side has bristles with a freshening bead in the middle it sorta bursts as you brush. On the other side is a soft pick to get in between teeth. They come in a 4 pack for $2.39 or a 16 pack for $7.99, available at most drugstores. I've made it a habit to leave one in every bag I own so I don't forget it. This is the one thing you shouldn't leave the house without!Happy brushing!xx M

A best friend....
They are hard to come by, but I can't thank Nikki enough for what she did for me today. Thats a serious true friend and I love her to death!
An oldie but a goodie <3xx M

Thursday, April 29, 2010
3:00 Pick me up....
So we all know what the dreaded 3:00 mid day slump feels like and we inevitably always need a little pick me up. I'm going to post daily (or try to) at 3:00 about something glamorous to perk you up and hopefully make the rest of the day fly by smoothly! Todays Pick me up : COCONUT M&M's
These are the best guilty little treat! I ordered a box of these from amazon about a month ago because I'm just obsessed with all things coconut!Coconut and Chocolate! MMMM perfect combo!Hope the rest of your day is Glamtastic!!xx M

Well Hello Sailor.....
I'm shoe obsessed and tend to go for the less traditional ones sometimes, and these are just that!!!
Photo Credit: Fancy PhotoshopI'm loving the nautical trend this spring and when I spotted these by Nine West I had to have them! With simple slouchy ripped jeans and a clean white tee they look ridiculously cute!! They truly evoke the pin-up girl in me! Ahhh what an era!!

Downward Facing Dog....Literally!
So on the way to lunch yesterday I was in a cab watching those bits of news on the screens in the back of the taxi and saw a clip about Doga.
Photo Credit: Petwellbeing.comThis New form of yoga gives a whole new meaning to the position downward facing dog. No it's not for humans it's for those of the canine breed. Honestly those who do not have a dog might think this is a bit crazy......actually those with a dog might think so too, but Yoga for Dogs might be just what the doctor ordered for those breeds that can be a bit on the over excited side. Having a Yorkie who sometimes can get a bit antsy and a bit hyper and a bit, well...out of sorts, this might be just the thing he needs to chill out! I'm willing to give this a try, it might be better than the other alternatives I was conjuring up in my head the other night. Although i highly doubt he'd sit still for even 5 minutes.
Photo Credit: shake it app for iphoneQuintin looks like he could use some Doga!You can read a little about this here at NY Times Online.xx M

Terrace Lovin'...
Or just plain old backyard lovin'. But being a city gal we usually have terraces and not backyards. If you have one, GLAM IT UP! I fell for this faux wooden outdoor flooring from Ikea recently when taking a gander over at my neighbors terrace and it just looked so homey over there! (props to B409!) So I decided to hijack the design detail!!
They are super easy to install, they just sorta click together and they are super cheap; $34.99 for the pack of nine. I only needed 5 1/2 Packs. Not bad!! Here's a snap shot of my finished terrace.
I seriously want to spend every minute out there now! Way more glamorous than gray cement!xx M

IS DELIC!!! Had lunch today with my bestie and what a great lunch it was. I used my deal purchased at Living Social Deals (sign up its free!) and what a good deal it was!! I paid $15 for a $30 meal value and here's what we had:Chicken, Avocado and dill sandwich on whole grain bread with cranberries and nuts baked in. Consensus: Id give it a 4 out of five taking one point off for the bread being a bit on the over baked side other than that fantastic!
Hazelnut/coconut Soy Latte for me.......one word AMAZING. I want one everyday !!!
Coffee with soy milk for Nikki. I didn't have the pleasure of tasting the coffee but I'm sure it was a 5!
Chocolate/Banana crepe to share. AMAZING! We actually ordered the Hazelnut/Chocolate crepe but they made a mistake...sometimes mistakes turn out to be for the best and so it was! we were in heaven!
I'll def be back to soy cafe again! Hopefully this weekend!!!Soy Cafe115 Greenwich ave.NY, NYxx M

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Feeling like a princess....
Seriously chivalry is NOT dead! Nothing can make a girl feel more glamorous than compliments and little acts of kindness and getting flowers at work is prob the best kind!! Honestly we can ALL admit when you have a big bouquet sitting on your desk at work and every girl stops by to ask who they are from secretly hoping to hear "My mom" or "my Dad" or "the mail man" but getting to say "from a special someone" is slightly more than thrilling. And whether or not these fellow Chicas are a teeny bit green with envy or not doesn't matter because all you know is that for right now, for the week that these flowers sit there smelling like spring time causing everyone to turn, your special! <3
My Beautiful Bouquet sitting on my desk at work....What a perfect day! :)

Big and Bouncy!!
Lately I've been getting tons of compliments on my big bouncy curls I've had going on in my hair. (Thank you!!!) And while I'd love to say I just wake up like this the fact is I don't! But how I achieve the look is super easy and with a few tools you can get the look too!! Conair Infinity You Style multi-fucntional styling iron (flat-iron and curling iron in one) is by far the one hair tool I cannot live without!!
I use this practically every time I do my hair. It's quick its easy best of all its CHEAP at only $39.99 a pop. I've spent hundreds of dollars on flat irons but none complete me quite like my Conair Infinity you style! Not only does it give me beachy waves, bouncy curls but it straightens great too!For an even bigger look with a little more time I use the Conair Instant Heat Jumbo rollers.
These are great for a dramatic look. They heat up fast and are very easy to use! They are also super affordable at $26.99!You can purchase both of these items at www.target.comxx M

A travel essential
Wet bikinis can be quite a pain. I'm sure we've all shoved them in an unglamorous zip lock bag to avoid getting everything else in our bags wet. These wet bikini totes offer the perfect solution with such a glamorous flair! My mom purchased this tote with a hot pink terry cloth shell from Henri Bendels not too long ago.
I've since borrowed it twice! Absolutely obsessed! Since she could not find them available at Bendels again she purchased this lovely alternative by Maimica.
She surprised me with it in my Easter basket ( yes I still get Easter baskets). I can't wait for my next trip so I can use this adorable piece!I'm not quite sure where she purchased this tote but you can visit their facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/MiamicaTrendyTravelAccessories/161341198969 for more information. And their home site with information on all their items is http://www.miamica.com/Default.aspxI'm actually quite obsessed with this brand. They have adorable travel accessories! They make for perfect gifts!Happy travelsxxM

A Smooth way to start the day
Put the bagel down! Try a new breakfast that will surely keep your waistlines glamorous. It's pure deliciousness! Blueberry, Strawberry, Banana, Yogurt/soy smoothie.
1/4 cup of Blueberries1 cup of strawberries1/2 banana1/4 cup of vanilla soy yogurt (or fat-free non-soy yogurt)1/4 cup of vanilla soy milk (or fat-free dairy milk)1 teaspoon agave nectar (optional for taste)a few ice cubes*all measurements are approximatePut all ingredients into your magic bullet (everyone needs one of these!) until fully blended and then enjoy!!!
Happy Sippingxx M

A Beverage for Hello Kitty Lovers!!

Perfect Pout
I've become a huge fan of matte lip color. My favorite happens to be Bare Essentials Boxom big and healthy lipstick, color in Brooklyn. Its a slightly rust color in a trendy matte look! Perfection! These lipsticks are a Sephora exclusive. Another favorite is Monte Carlo for a fun pop pink! I often mix these together for a really fun look! XO M
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Best Convertible Dress!
Recently I paid a visit to American Apparel and fell in love with the convertible dresses they have in both an a-line shark bite hem version and a pencil version. This dress is so comfy and so versatile! They even have the body suit version that looks great with high waisted skirts!. I purchased 2 pencil versions and a red a-line version. They are a bargain price at $43.00 when you can wear it 15 ways! That's like $3.00 an outfit after tax! Get yours at http://store.americanapparel.net/rsa8339.html?cid=29

Strapless Wonder
A few months ago my beloved strapless bra from Gilly Hicks was murdered by a big crazy dog! (were not going to get into the whys and hows of this story, no explanation necessary) Every girl knows how hard it can be to find a really good strapless bra, one that doesn't give you torpedo boob syndrome, cuts into your underarms, or one that screams it's all padding! I've been on a serious search for a good one since the traumatic event with the dog and was not impressed with what i was seeing. I have no issues paying top dollar for a good strapless bra as long as it fits into my checklist. (No lines, no cutting into sides etc etc...) Most of what I had tried were overly padded which is my biggest peeve of all! . I'm a frequent buyer of H&M lingerie and decided to try out their strapless and can I say what a great alternative to my beloved Gilly Hicks strapless. It's thinly lined so you still look and feel natural and it comes with removable straps. It comes in Nude, Grey, Black and Navy. At $12.90 its def a steal!
xx M

Simple Jewels....
A friend of mine started her own line of jewelery. I may be a bit biased but I think her stuff is perfectly simple and absolutely stunning! I wear my stackable rings almost always and sometimes I simplify the look with a single one.
She will be hosting a jewelery picnic in central park on June 5 from 2-6pm. You can check out her designs here http://www.etsy.com/shop/econtedesigns?page=1xx M

Monday, April 26, 2010
Peachy Keen...
Soy Yummy!!
I signed up for the Living Social Deals where you can get great coupons on all sorts of different things around the city and today there was this deal for $30 worth of food for $15 at Soy Cafe in the west village.
Photo Credit: newyorkmagazine.comI purchased it right away!! I LOVE soy milk its smooth creamy and just a subtle hint of sweetness! I'll be there Wednesday to try out their Strawberry Coconut Soy Smoothie and a Turkey muchroom crepe. MMM yummy!! You can purchase the deal here. ------> https://livingsocial.com/deals/1506?ref=conf-jp&rpi=192052xx M

"Flip"-ing out
I'm a huge fan of the Flip video Cameras but I was just flipping (yes pun was intended) through their site and fell in love with this new design!
Its Oh so cute! if I didn't already have the hello kitty one I would purchase this in an instant! <3 it!http://store.theflip.com/en-us/designs/view.aspx?product_id=2878&cat=best_sellers&subcat=best_sellers&cid=m2xx M

Friday, April 23, 2010
This is for real folks! I'm usually not a fan at all of major chain resturants.......but that might have to change!
The cheesecake factory launches their new "line" of burgers simply called "GLAMBURGERS" (I think I sense something catching on!!!) Check it out > https://promos.thecheesecakefactory.com/glamorous/. I am a HUGE fan of burgers, typically I go for the traditional cheese burger and on occasion I'll throw in some lettuce and tomatoes and onions but THIS has my name ALL over it! A burger thats glamorous, why didn't I think of it!! I seriously wish there was a Cheesecake Factory located in the metro area just so I could try the Monterey Burger - it has jack cheese, arugula, onions, honey mustard mayo and avocados!! Are you kidding me! It sounds like heaven!!! The cheesecake Factory is even having a contest to add the next new "GLAMBURGER" to the menu....... I wonder what NY would taste like?? mmmm just yumyness I bet!! If any one is so lucky to try this out please let me know!!XX M

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Class Act.....
Hello my Glamorous ladies!I know its been a while! But here I am yet again to Glam up your lives just a teeny bit! Here in NY we've reached a record today 90 degrees in central park!! And I know as the weather heats up we tend to peel off the layers letting our inhibitions go! Honestly more power to ya! But ladies there's such a thing as doing it with class! I know I don't have to tell you this (you are all glamorous in your own right!) but we ALL have friends, or friends of friends who have forgotten what the word class even means and for them I want to pass along some words of wisdom on how to show some skin, loosen your inhibitions while still staying classy and Glamorous at the same time1. Please Please Please ladies keep the skin to a minimum. I like to live by the rule show one and not the other, ie: legs so no chest, Back so no Bust etc..., you get the point! This rule actually applies to ALL seasons....NO ONE (unless your lady Gaga of course!) in the winter should be wearing white spandex, let alone white spandex with slashes all along your stomach, hips, or back...this is NOT Miami this is NY get with it! (And YES I've seen it in the middle of Feb on someone who ACTUALLY works in styling...sick!) Please keep the same ideas for spring and summer, yes there is such thing as TOO short and such a thing as TOO tight and even I may like to push this envelope (we all like to push buttons) but there's a time and a place for those buttons to be pushed. Which leads me to my next tip:2. KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE: Not every joke, not every outfit and not every topic is for everyone! Please think before dressing, AND speaking. I recently had to have this lesson reiterated to me by my Grandmother; a former Fashion designer and a FOREVER Galmorologist and the most classy lady I've ever known. On Easter Sunday I really really wanted to wear my fabulous mini puffy skirt instead of my high waisted button down nautical skirt. When I tried on each one for her to see, her words were "the puffy one is beautiful but know your occasion...family Easter dinner is not the right place for it" SHE WAS SO RIGHT! now I'll think twice!! As should you! The same should go for certain topics. We should not be discussing our monthly visitors, or bodily functions during a cocktail party, or a dinner. Keep those topics for intimate phone calls with your bestest glamorettes.3. Yes tis the season to be drinking (spring/summer) But please keep yourselves hydrated and somewhat coherent. No one likes a sloppy drunk and no one likes a friend we have to drop off in bed before its even midnight. Not to say we aren't all victims of the clear devil (vodka) I know I have been! But lets all try to be aware of how much we're downing. And if nothing else think of the CALORIES!4. Stick some soap up that potty mouth!! One of my biggest faults is an extreme potty mouth. I have this awful habit of dropping four letter words in every few sentences. Problem is I HATE it when I hear other sexy divas doing the same! It's a disgusting habit and we ALL need to try to glam up our speaking habits. It's the complete opposite of class! No one ever heard Audrey Hepburn Throwing the F-bomb around! But then again those were the days before the Lindsay Lohans and Brittney Spears. (Those were the good ol' days). Either way it's still not acceptable. Lets vow to stop together.5. Finally, Summer is the time for us to embrace our natural beauty. So please can we chill with the spray tan, and self tanner! why do you want to look orange??? Unless you're doing a cameo on the second season of jersey shore please put your SPF 30 on (protect that unwrinkled ageless skin) and get a light natural tan. Loose the caked on plastic looking makeup and super rainbow bright eye shadow (props for even being able to achieve that level of blue!!) and let your real faces see the light!Ok Ladies I hope you all will pass along these tips to the less fortunate of souls. Theres a Classy Galmorette in all of us, some just need some extra help!xx - M
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