Any relationship with an ex can be tricky. Sometimes ex's are appealing in a comforting way and sometimes it's just the fact that if you go "there" (you know what where I'm talking about) technically you're not adding another notch to that belt. I totally get the whole ex-appeal thing. BUT can we be friends with an ex? Can the open communication and the closeness you've shared with this person be so appealing that a relationship outside of intimacy is possible? I happen to think in certain cases (not all) it is. Also I think a certain amount of time needs to go by before this is all possible. I think if both parties are secure enough and fully understand they whys and hows of what went wrong in the relationship then yes this type of "EX- Appeal" is possible.Then there's part 2....what happens when one of you become attached? Or semi-attached or whatever you want to call it. Its understandable this new person in your life will question it. They will assess the situation and decide how they feel. It's very tricky! I've been there. As I'm sure we all have with a new significant other, feeling unsure and uncertain about their relationship with an ex. You want to trust and you want to feel comfortable but the fact is you just don't. And you push it away and you pretend it's all good but really it's not. You go on and on about how it's about respect and how for the sake of your sanity they should cut ties. When your there it feels normal. It feels Justifiable. You think your right and that this is just how it is.This is TOTALLY WRONG (in my opinion) There is something obviously missing from this type of relationship. There is something clearly wrong for either parties not to feel comfortable with a relationship b/t either parties ex's. Granted there are very fine lines that can be crossed between two people who've been in a relationship before and I totally think that once these lies are crossed there's no going back (if you are attached with someone new). The trust is broken, and the friendship with this ex really should be severed. But aside from those lines being crossed I think if the two people in the relationship care for each other and trust each other and are completely secure in themselves and what they have to offer each other I can't (realistically under NORMAL unclouded vision) see the harm in the appeal a friendship with an ex brings? Whats the big deal?? Are all Women Insecure?? And a lot of Men too??What I'm trying to say is that when it feels funny, when it feels questionable, ask yourself (what I should have asked myself years ago!!), Why don't I trust this? What is it about their friendship that makes me feel threatened? It's not JUST the fact that it's an ex...or a person of the opposite sex for that matter....there's something deeper...insecurities you yourself have or plain old lack of trust and other times it's pure instincts (we all have to trust this sometimes!) But its worth a thought as opposed to just going along with severing ties with a good friend who happens to be an ex....am I wrong???
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